Disclaimer: This contest is for FUN only.
It is being run by GoHuntBirds.com as a playful way to promote Turkey hunting for the members of the GoHuntBirds.com Online Community.
All questions and concerns regarding this contest should be directed to info@gohuntbirds.com or to our Facebook page.
Contest officially opens April 25th, 2025 and will be updated regularly.
To participate, you must be an active member of the GoHuntBirds.com Facebook page and submit your entrance fee of $20 via Cash, PayPal or Email Money Transfer to info@gohuntbirds.com BEFORE Friday April 12th to be eligible and to ensure that your kit arrives to you in the mail on time.
Contest is open to anyone who holds a valid Turkey Hunting License for the state or province they live in.
Please read the Rules, Entry Regulations and Scoring Methods before signing up. GoHuntBirds.com will be keeping track of scores and will update a leader board periodically on our website @ www.gohuntbirds.com
To enter a bird in the contest you must submit three (3) pictures to info@gohuntbirds.com or our Facebook page for each bird you harvest and enter into the contest.
Entries will be scored by the AVERAGE of two birds entered.
See depictions of what is expected below.
Contest winner with the best bird total will be announced in early June 2025
Your first picture must show a clear measurement in inches of the longest beard in its entirety (note: beards are measured from skin to tip for longest length and must be attached to the bird for at least one of the pictures) A second beard picture may be requested with a close up of the measurement.
Take lots of pictures. Photo must show the entire beard.
Your second picture must show a clear measurement in inches of the longest spur
(note: spurs are measured along the outside curvature for longest length)
Take lots of pictures. Photo must show the entire spur.
Your third picture must show your bird and what you used to harvest it: shotgun, muzzle-loading shotgun, crossbow, compound bow or traditional bow.
Bird and weapon used must be clearly displayed in picture. You also need to have in this picture the VALID ENTRY CARD from GoHuntBirds.com.
You MUST be present in your photo!
This contest honours our friend Ron Mutrie who passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2021.
Ron was an avid turkey hunter and turkey conservationist. In fact, he had a hand in re-introducing wild turkeys back into Ontario in the early 1980's.
Ron was also an advocate of introducing new people into the sport, especially women and children.
Once we sell all 100 spots, we will use some of the proceeds to bring a NEW hunter out this Spring and help them bag their very first Tom. This is something that Ron would have done himself if he were still alive, and he would be happy to know that we are continuing his mentorship and introducing new people to hunting.
The winner of the actual best bird contest at the end of the season will get a $250 cash prize.
This is the 12th year in a row that we are hosting this contest and we're thankful and humbled by all of the continued support.